This space is completely dedicated to SAP where I am going to discuss few strategies SAP may take to nullify the hostile environmental affect.
Although the SAP Netweaver stack consists of ABAP and JAVA but the comparative success of Java in SAP space may be commendable but mostly insignificant. This definitely comes as a consolation for most of the think tanks as the migration from Java or reduction of Java in further initiatives would not take huge effort or money.

Now we are talking about SUN Solaris, an age tested probably the fastest OS in server space and no doubt it is still lucrative for SAP to use Solaris platform for their massive ERP instances. Let’s look for some close alternatives to substitute the Solaris effect with equally comparable and stable OS, NO we are not talking about Windows 2003. Any Linux or Unix flavor would give an ultimate real-time performance with comparable runtime statistics, provided it is a server version. Sun Microsystem and HP were SAP's one of the biggest strategic partner with their huge commitments for Open source contribution till date and of course this also motivated SAP to make their DB floating in open space. This makes HP a potential blade server and OS vendor for SAP. With a stable and agile system probably they could unleash new potential for SAP ERP by tweaking their systems for better performance.
Do they have to live without a strong programming language like Java? When it comes to Java, the answer could be YES. Microsoft technology may not be as flexible and widely acceptable as Java but the Windows Company is evolving fast in this space. SAP has already partnership with Microsoft in various development and integration project, like DUET. The ambitious "People Ready" business is nowhere close to SAP and to get a share in ERP market Microsoft has been quite aggressive in this space. There were also speculations that Microsoft may buy out some of the bigger ERP vendor in market and this makes Microsoft a friend of SAP with converging goals.
I am not denying another chance of Merger or Acquisition here ;)
NOTE: This note is merely an opinion not a deliberate behest and not intended to be biased towards any party.