1) Basic Challenges to come up:
Coming up with a simplest idea of initiating even a tiniest thing is infact an arduous challenge to cope up with!
It’s a major hurdle to let your mind speak up and then to let your heart listen to it accordingly. The creation of a tug of war situation between your heart and mind is really difficult to tackle. But coming out unanimously with a synchronized decision is the ultimate paving step of your Aim. There’s a lot of issues to be thought of, and it badly increases if someone is unaware of the following facts:
1) What he is capable of?
2) What he is up to.
3) His Ambition and target.
4) His Current and future Prospects.
4) His length of optimization.
At least he should know, what will give him maximum satisfaction. His current profile or the one which he is choosing to opt for!
At this instance a person may step back with many excuses:
1) Lack of Time.
2) Responsibilities and Dependencies on him.
3) Lack of support.
4) I will think later!!!
Do you think with such a mentality anyone can precede further?? You have the answer. Right!!!
One thing we should always keep in mind, that everything you want can't come together. Sometimes one or the other, you have to either ignore or leave behind at least for the time being. May be with a hope that after you realize your dreams, you can revert back to catch up with those. But obviously it's too bookish to think like that. Time & tide never waits for anyone. That's also true. Hence, ultimately it's all up to you to decide - which one to choose and which stands top in your priority list.
2) Fear of loosing:
Making up your mind for starting up a new venture is never easy, if you are not from a class where business is in blood. You can't just choose blindly like a cookie with the sake of a trial. Its your dream, your passion. You need to invest a lot of money and time on to it. More importantly some of your relationships are also on stake. You have to become a machine.
There's no second chance - either loose or win. Win everything or Loose everything.
But does it give enough reason to pull your leg back? Don't you have confidence in you and all those who love and care about you. Would you spare there blessings and wishes just like that? If the answer is yes, then you are cheating them as well as yourself. The next time you say, "Everything is going to be fine", you will be cheating them, because they dream for your success, achievement, satisfaction and happiness, and if you are not happy, even they can't be.
3) Coming up with the idea:
The next step is to come with the type of business you want to chase :
There can be two broad classifications:
1) Profitable organizations
2) Non profitable organizations
1) Profitable organizations:
These are solely for the purpose of making legal profits viz. starting up a new factory, shop, dealership, educational institutions etc.
Most of these are at high risk. Either this end or that end. It can bring you treasures and at the same time can pull you down to Nil.
2) Non profitable organizations:
These organizations are basically charitable organizations with a sole aim of providing help for the poor and the needy people viz. charitable educational institutions, orphanages, old-age homes etc.
These have a lesser extent of risk. Profit making is never their goal. there main aim is to increase the number of members and money inflow to stand strong and to reach more needy people.
4) Planning your strategies and demands:
Every organization needs proper planning from the grass root level. Its definitely includes all possible pro's and con's (problems & consequences).
The best way is to listen to others. Try one to one communication, internet, books and all sort of like minded ways. This will let you see a better prospect and provide you an ease with planning. The ultimate decision will always be yours. So make sure you analyze everything you listen, and then only you come up with your own.
You can always take others help too to get newer and better ideas, but here also first analyze, think about the pro's and con's and then decide you will implement it or not. Further implement it now or afterwards.
Your initial Planning should at least include the following:
1) Capital - investment
2) Monitory inflow - income
3) Monitory outflow - expenditure
4) Miscellaneous - initial size of the organization and its regulation
5) Profits & loss - Dealing with the profits and Recovery of loss
6) Growth - Ways and prospects
Your further Planning should at least include the following:
1) Expansion - man power, offices, top level executives.
2) Increasing of profits.
3) Marketing.
4) Opening newer scopes.
5) Scope for creative ideas.
6) Catching up the nerve of the market.
7) Aiming for the top.
While planning you always need to be clear and straight forward. Remember vague ideas can hamper your growth.
5) Marketing:
Never ignore marketing. It's must and it should always be proper. Whether yours is a profitable or non profitable organization, it has to get ample of marketing exposure.
Better marketing ensures better monitory inflow and exposure of the company/organization, its achievements and products. It’s very important that people should know about your organization, as it will boost up its reputation further.
There are definitely several other factors and points to be considered, but these are only the basic ones. Obviously it never ends here. It’s only the beginning of a far more extensive world.
If I have forgotten to mention any basic point, which you find equally important or much more important, then I regret. I would definitely look forward for such better ideas, constructive comments and active participation.
Thanks for bearing me :)