1) Paint the office building Green. This would help people think green and innovative.
2) Create some teams in your office and ask them to come up with ideas. Tell them their effort in cost saving (I mean Go Green) would be counted in their annual performance. Now employees can’t blame you for any inconvenience caused by Go Green initiatives.
3) Stop providing water for free. Save water, encourage your employees to drink less.
4) Encourage employees to buy green products like company T Shirts and Briefs from company store and help them spread green.
5) Remove recyclable tea cups and paper rolls from employee canteens and rest rooms and with that saving gift your client a energy efficient HUMVEE.
6) Remove all printers and fax machines from work locations and save tree. You could shift them in your house; printing in your house does not cost a tree.
7) Discontinue the car lease policy and come up with cycle lease policies for employees.
8) Stop CAB shuttle services you used to provide for free. To compensate the inconvenience you may stretch the office timing for another two hours.
9) Replace the tree pots and flowers in your front desk with sustainable and washable plastic
variety. Conserve forest.
10) Create a donation pool from employees and use that money to help them spread green. In this way you can save your money and also get some of your money back, given to employees as salary.
11) Encourage the smokers to quit the bad habit. You buy their precious time.
12) Last but not the least remember, go green is not a head ache, this is an opportunity which would unleash a new era; earning fame and bucks without any hassle.
NOTE:~ This article was written to not to hurt anyone but author has noticed some inert mockery in some of the system’s intentions.
STANCH: to check or stop the flowing of.
EKE: To gain or supplement with great effort or difficulty,
ANTIPODAL: Situated on the opposite side of the earth.