Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Boat in the High Sea

It was all a little spark .. that made A little boy to make a paper boat.

May be he (boy) was completely unaware of its (boat's) destiny. He whispered to the boat- "you should pursue to reach the high sea". A Great dream - a huge uphill task to attain the salvation. Now the boat has a dream, a freshly crafted shape and a dream to chase. It was determined to face any trouble to achieve, what it is made to believe. It grew stronger and stronger as it was leaving the shore. With the breezy wind it got paddles to sail.

Then ..
It faced obstacles- heavy rain- thunder- but not enough to push him back. Now its belief in the little boy is the only driving power behind it, with its paper body wet and sinking. Turbulent tide and strong current took its breath away - with no one to salvage. It got disassembled but still floating. With the hope to reach the high sea- which it has never seen.

After couple of weeks -
it was torn into small pieces or may be tiny ones- ocean started assimilating it. The boat knew that this is the last time it can hope for something - a miracle- it made a wish. It still wished to reach the high sea. Its success would be to reach there even as a tiny paper piece.
After all its dreams were crafted that way!!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

So Possessive About Dream!

I always wanted to come back to the dreams I have seen before. Some of those are good, some of them even better. I have always seen myself in that setup as if it was pre destined, and I am acting as per the script of my dream. For some of those dreams I could, walk extra miles to make it materialized. And some are inseparable from my existence.

Some of those pinch for not standing a chance to get realized. Those were no different from the dreams I cuddle now. They, at least some of them were closest to my heart. Now, it is time - I move on.

I may start dreaming or may not. But for sure my sweet dreams will never be considered by me as nightmares. Just that those did not work out for me. I am puzzled still trying to figure out the way to go.. But I am sure I need to keep moving.