India's quest for Nuclear Deal with uncle Sam.
India and China are the world's fastest growing economies, hopefully they will be able to sustain their immense economic growth in the coming years also. But most of the Economists are sceptic about the future curve, which has been projected as a sustainable range of 7-9 GDP.
Thats a herculian task for both of the nations.
If we look into recent trends of Shanghai and Delhi, the dragon seems to be in far better position then the tiger, obvious ly why not :)
The real story is India imports a lion's share of Crude and Petrolium products from Middle East. 60% of indian oil consumption depends upon how much they get from friend nations. We saw in gulf war how badly indian foreign exchange was affected. Thank god the war did not last long !!!!!
China with its rapid growing demand needs more oil than India, but their oil production is also huge. They still import 30% of their consumption but they have taken some early steps in this direction. In Yunnan Provience they are growing "jatropha" , so prospect for bio-fuel is good. Where as in India M.P is the only state where this initiative is taken with some seriousness. But seeing its vast demand ,this is too less. (Using this fuel only in Chief Minister's car may not serve the large purpose). The communist state is booned with a big province (known as new china, which joined China later) which has large oil reserves and being an agressive nation, the private players are also going global with lot of acquisitions and mergers in oil industry which exposes them to global market hence to some extent they can control the oil demand and pricing.
The idea is not to capture the oil barrels but to get a big share, not a small pie in global energy market.
A short growth can cause recession if the growth is not sustained, and these two nations are working hard to put their feet in the global market. They know the road does not end here and this is merely a beginning. Hence energy is a big factor. The manpower cannot be a factor for these fat countries.
There are two alternatives, bury trees and plants and keep them till they become gas or crude oil or explore possibility to use alternate energy.
India can hardly see any option, but to increase the alternative source of energy. Hydro power is badly affected because of the border issues with Bangladesh, Pakistan. The nuclear power is a potential alternative. The Ores available for radio active heavy metals are less and poor quality, to increase efficiency India knows that they have to Import. After the Pokhran test hardly any nation will entertain if US denies to extend their hand!!!!
In recent diplomacy India has requested US for nuclear fuel, and in the mean time they have opened the premises of their Nuclear Plants to Western Nations, (I have no idea why fissile materials are illegal here and how they made it legal for a country which is having nuclear technology from 1960-70's). But good news ! US will probably legalise the US nuclear outfits :)
Now the march starts France also showed their interest in helping India with their energy requirements. (Where were they before?).
Atlast India can hope to reduce their dependency on petroleum to some extent.
1 comment:
that' s a great writin
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