So we know how important is a interview process for a company, not only in terms of selecting right resource but also in spreading the brand image of that organization.
There are various and lengthy process and tricks for successful interview taking. I would try to cover some of the important aspects and methods while taking interviews.
Below is the famous interviewing funnel:~
Before taking interview the best practice is to follow a standard practice and master in it thus a unique practice is followed across the organization. Always remember that the interview process for a candidate starts when he enters in to your premises, so be welcoming and make him comfortable. Below are some dos and don’ts.

Some Guidelines:
1) Stick to Roles.
1) Stick to Roles.
2) Do not interrupt.
3) In case of panel interview do not cross talk.
4) Do not help the Candidate.
5) Select Lead Interviewer.
6) The others listen, take notes, and ask questions on the area which is not covered but relevant.
7) Prepare well and create co-ordination among the interviewers.
8) Follow up at end of the section.
9) Always brief about the length of interview and etc. before you start.
Below are some techniques noted down:Questioning Techniques.
1) Situation.
2) Task.
3) Achievement.
4) Review.
Questioning Pattern:

A complete interview should try to cover most of the below points:
1) Achievement.
2) Personality.
3) Attitude.
4) IQ.
5) Interest.
6) Aptitude. (Technical)
Depending upon the role and job description appropriate stress has to be given on the above points.
Remember the beauty of the interviewing skill lies with the interviewer. He should drive the candidate the way he wants.
Depending upon the role and job description appropriate stress has to be given on the above points.
All six points’ (Achievement, Personality, Attitude, IQ, Interest, Aptitude (Technical)) needs to be covered and questions should be prepared before the interview starts. For each point questioning pattern should be followed.
The main aim is to see the consistency of the answers through all steps. If any of the answer is not convincing do not leave the candidate or assume that candidate does not know further, it is advised to probe probe and probe further. This would narrow down relevant information which an interviewer wants from the candidate.
While doing the interview using the questioning pattern we should try to find the facts by pointing out the points of Questioning Techniques.
Even if we follow the Questioning Pattern and we see that any of ‘Situations’, ‘Task’, ‘Achievement, ‘Review’ is missing than most probably than not the candidate is not giving correct facts. A strong interview should know that questioning pattern is a flow questioning technique is a tool for validation by which we validate human qualities like ‘Attitude’, ‘Technical Skills’ etc. One should know that emotional quotient is the main driving factor for most of us even if there are some areas where the candidate is not strong enough still if the motivation is right and emotional quotient is correct the candidate may be the best candidate in the world.
Many of us may question why we should follow the above technique.This helps better co-ordination. This technique assures even if the interviewer is taking interview of a candidate with different skill sets still he could be actively involved and take a fantastic interview.
Many of us may question why we should follow the above technique.This helps better co-ordination. This technique assures even if the interviewer is taking interview of a candidate with different skill sets still he could be actively involved and take a fantastic interview.
Let’s call the execution of a full questioning pattern as a flow. While executing a flow we should see whether we can get all points of questioning techniques in this flow. If answer is yes than candidate should be awarded a highest grade.
For each different areas like ‘Achievement’, ‘Technical skill’, ‘Team Work’ etc one or more flow should be executed.
At the end please remember, that if the interview is not fruitful that we need to ponder and ask ourselves that if we have asked right question!!!
Good one Joy :)...
This topic is a matter of pure perception. There are many points that could be altered as a matter of perception again :). Its the one point that the interviewer seeks in the candidate that will affect a selection process. At the interviewers desk attitude of the interviewer would affect more than the candidate himself.
Premish Paul
OH Yes I completely agree ... art of interviewing skills is something which comes by time .. it needs perfection !! and definately when we build some competency we may deviate from where we have started or where to reach ... to a huge amount. We also need to follow some check list and emperical methods which tells us what are we trying to acieve and which way.
Also attitude does matter, more over attitude is nothing but the emotional intelligence, and if that is not right then its a dister :)
before your interview think about these question and prepare over them. Why did you make choices in your life...why did you choose the school you attended, why did you take your first job, why did you leave that job, why did you take your next job? What are your strengths? What are you good at...an interview is like a sales call...you're the product...why should they hire you? What makes you so good?
these will help you at the time of the Interview.
When questioning a candidate about his/her resume, I start with their first/oldest role and gradually work my way chronologically to present day.
I find that this tends to exhaust a lot of their 'stock' answers with the earlier roles and I get more candid answers relating to their more recent roles.
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