Thursday, October 30, 2008
SAP Patent Management !
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Today's Words!
Summesault: Acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head .
Excorcist: The act of practicins excorcism. (Removing Ghosts , spirits etc..)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
BIO FUEL: A Critique

If biofuels were taken off from the market, Merrill Lynch estimates oil prices would be 15% higher, which in turn would put further upward pressure on food prices. Indeed there is a huge economic advantage as the oil prices have risen 1000% in the last ten years while corn prices have risen only 200-300%. In 2006, the United States president George W. Bush said in a State of the Union speech that the US is "addicted to oil" and should replace 75% of imported oil by 2025 by alternative sources of energy including biofuels.

Various types of bio fuels are in market as this technology is still nascent and would need to get time tested before it takes up the market. Feedstocks for biodiesel include animal fats, vegetable oils, soy, rapeseed, jatropha, mahua, mustard, flax, sunflower, palm oil, hemp, field pennycress, and algae. Pure biodiesel (B100) is by far the lowest emission diesel fuel. Although liquefied petroleum gas and hydrogen have cleaner combustion, they are used to fuel much less efficient petrol engines and are not as widely available. Biologically produced alcohols, most commonly ethanol, and less commonly propanol and butanol, are produced by the action of microorganisms and enzymes through the fermentation of sugars or starches (easiest), or cellulose (which is more difficult). Biobutanol (also called biogasoline) is often claimed to provide a direct replacement for gasoline, because it can be used directly in a gasoline engine. Ethanol fuel is the most common biofuel worldwide, particularly in Brazil. Alcohol fuels are produced by fermentation of sugars derived from wheat, corn, sugar beets, sugar cane, molasses and any sugar or starch that alcoholic beverages can be made from (like potato and fruit waste, etc.). There are researches going on Algae fuel. Algae fuel, also called oilgae or third generation biofuel, is a biofuel from algae. Algae are low-input, high-yield feedstocks to produce biofuels. It produces 30 times more energy per acre than land crops such as soybeans
Among all the bio fuel sources the Jatropha looks like most suitable candidate in place because ..
a) The hardy Jatropha is resistant to drought and pests, and produces seeds containing up to 40% oil. When the seeds are crushed and processed, the resulting oil can be used in a standard diesel engine, while the residue can also be processed into biomass to power electricity plants.
b) Goldman Sachs recently cited Jatropha curcas as one of the best candidates for future biodiesel production.However, despite its abundance and use as an oil and reclamation plant, none of the Jatropha species have been properly domesticated and, as a result, its productivity is variable, and the long-term impact of its large-scale use on soil quality and the environment is unknown.
c) Jatropha curcas, also known as physic nut, piñoncillo and Habb-El-Melúk, is used to produce the non-edible Jatropha oil, for making candles and soap, and as a feedstock for producing biodiesel.
d) Jatropha plantation has been identified as a most suitable option for the production of bio-fuels utilizing non-edible sources.
e) The plant is extremely drought resistance as its water requirement is extremely low. It can be easily propagated and grows rapidly. Sufficient amount of waste land is available in the State which could be utilized for jatropha cultivation.
f) A single Jatropha seed contains 27% to 31% extractable oil. 10,000 Hectares of jatropha is expected to yield 250,000-300,000 tons of crude jatropha oil per annum. The estimated revenues from 100,000 hectare farm would yield USD 100 mn per annum.
Some facts { Jatropha gossypifolia, also called bellyache bush: its fruits and foliage are toxic to humans and animals. It is a major weed in Australia. }
We have to understand that the bio fuel does not come with side effects. Especially the usage of corn would definitely shoot up the price of the foodstock and there would be a huge gap with global supply and demand of food. For the developing world rural poor who comprise about 67% of those living below a dollar a day, food price increases often increase income as their subsistence farms become economic while for the urban poor food price increases are disastrous. There is no apparent solution to this problem. But we should try to harness more and more wind and solar energy keeping the fact in mind that it is a expensive affair!
1st IMAGE courtsey :
Monday, October 13, 2008
Today's Words
Facetious : ~ Joking or jesting.
Univocalic : ~ Piece of writing tha uses only one of the vowels.
Kvell : ~ To be extraordinarily proud.
Misprision : ~ Neglect or wrong performance of official duty.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Techniques de communication (Communication techniques)

Though I have not got many chance to travel many places but fortunately I have been interacting with many people across the globe. The outcome of the sustainable chance was huge; surprisingly I was able to communicate with some of the people who were not that brilliant in English.
This is not all about how convincing your English is, in fact I have seen, you can amaze non native English speaker with the broken English you deliver: because it sounds fast!! But unfortunately this kind of delivery may achieve certain respect from the other side but surely it would create a great crater in the person to person relationship.
We have to understand that the communication is fair when we give our 100% effort in it, with all our hand, face, mind and body. I was reading an article on Customer interaction which says 'Before talking to any Customer first give a smile and then speak'. Sounds ridiculous? How can someone see me or how does it matter, but indeed it makes a difference it makes your welcome sound profound and warm.
I could very easily understand all the non technical terms of most of the people I have spoken to, except some of them. Definitely not all the discredit goes to me, as the communication channel is a pipe and you are just holding one side of it. I had also faced great deal of difficulty understanding my native language speaker. Those all barriers are caused because of our shallow commitment while talking or talking with merely our vocal cord.
I was in Germany when I met an Old Octogenarian and that taught me a lot, a lot about how difficult could be made easy. He tried to introduce himself and greeted and I started in English. Later when I said NAMASTE he could recognize the greetings. We spoke for long indeed for a long time near a mall. He spoke Indira Gandhi and also about how great Mahatma Gandhi was. I cannot tell you whether I was communicating in English or Hindi or any other language but for sure when we grown interest on the topic we started understanding each other it was not all about sound but the deep eyes and the body movement which made a huge difference. What a lovely memoir....
The communication is perfect only when we contribute towards it. We can easily communicate with our family members and friends because we understand their want and behaviour. Same ploy applies in all instances. There was a gentle man who was on call and said, 'My English Little, I ask my friend, He is Big' ... I said 'You speak better and indeed I am not a native speaker' ... we continued without any of his friends help.

Those who have bought shares on 13K – 14K Sensex range, can possible pullout their investment if there are any spikes in the market in coming 2 -3 months। But as far as the market trend looks like it can easily touch 10k to 9K points which would be an ideal condition for investment. But it is advisable for all the investors to watch and invest as the money can easily get trapped for 1- 2 years. For long term investors there is no reason for panic.
DISCLAIMER: The author is just trying to make his own observation; this is not meant as a suggestion. Read but decide using your own brain
Friday, October 03, 2008
Answering My Colleague...

Some of my colleagues have asked me how synergy and harmony could be implemented in corporate environment where because of micro management you got to face situations where you have to play a completely conflicting role.
I took some time to understand the question.
These are the frequently faced situations,
1) You are lagging behind your colleagues what to do?
2) Manager has received negative feedback regarding your attitude from one on your colleague whom you have thought to on your stride.
3) Be a team player also make sure you are on top.
4) There are successful colleagues who does not work too hard but apply political nerve.
I did not want to dig too much to discuss the points as those points are themselves a separate topic to discuss on.
I just explained them…
A graduate fresh from the College can become a CEO and a employee with 15 years of experience may still live with his hope to be a Manager. We are known for the metal we are made of with. The metal defines our rules and ethics. Definitely if our moral dies then we too die as an individual.
Having said this I would slightly try to override my thoughts with a different perspective which may sound radical but basically nothing but a little flexibility. We as a corporate employee try to contribute towards our organizations goal and also intern we get satisfaction by either self appreciation or external recognition. When we play different role we are not abruptly changing ourselves but we are making sure that we are playing our role as the time demands.
A CEO may tell his employees that our culture does not lets us fire any employee but in the same time he may initiate a cost reduction process where 4K jobs would be shredded gradually. So what should we think about him? A guy with no transparency in his decisions. Now what we need to understand is the role he is playing at that point of time. We are not here to discuss whether the action was correct or not! But we should understand his situation and obligations. The same points apply to any individual or policies. I may be a manager in the same time I am a colleague and a subordinate of some one. I need to act as the system changes keeping in mind that my organization is benefited and also I get what I deserve. No hard feeling, Nothing too emotional about it
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Global Panic and India

There is a recent panic building on the global economic analysts and investors with the falls of many Investment banks in series. More than the fact the rumors are spreading across market especially in brokerage fields. We have seen recent dips in NASDAQ and also NSE, BSE in India. Of course the fact is that the Economy is playing ugly and as the US Banks are declaring bankruptcy but certainly there is no valid reason to put the Stock Market index in red across the globe. This is happening because the short term panic in the market as the market is mainly driven by emotions in short run.
We have to understand one basic point that the market has not collapsed over night and there was significant evidence in year 2007 that the market would go bearish in future, we have seen one of the world’s largest bank Citi under great cyclone. After restructuring itself Citi could not greatly recover its financial crisis till date. It is proved concept that the long term performance of any institute is based on the strategy and the execution of the plans and hence different kind of industries and different countries would not behave in the same manner as the global economy or US crisis.
We have heard various CEO’s talking about transformation in their business models; the services sectors can really utilize the transformation to put the market condition favorable for them. Due to the money crunch in huge investment sector the liquidity flow is hampered and the new investment on R&D would be less and in fact the new startups would face a strong resistance. Unlike the other sector the services sector can turn the condition in their stride, may it be IT services or Pharma or Engineering services division.
Let’s take the focus back on India and how Indian companies are going to behave on this. Indian transformation which briefly started 15 years ago is mainly built on the pillars of services sector. As we have already reiterated that the service sectors could transform the business, Indian Corporate can make the situation favorable for them. The behemoths like US and EU countries are hit with the economy crisis and the only way for them to overcome the crisis is to reduce the expenditure and increase the cost effectiveness across the verticals. With the recent bailout plan the institutes are in huge pressure for performing and fighting for their survivals. The wave has created a new space for Indian IT sector where Indian Companies have bagged some straight outsourcing deal of end to end IT Infrastructure Management. We have to understand that the offshore onsite model is gradually moving towards more cost effective offshore execution schema which means lesser margin for the Indian companies but this exposes a point of improvement for them to achieve more effectiveness.
The global situation is a bit alarming and all the achievers have to play safe as they also have a pressure of keeping their position safe and grow. Indian companies may pose threat to themselves if the growth is inorganic in this phase as the cash crunch could also be felt in near future. Though the trends of overseas acquisition has increases, Indian private firms should again relook their financial sheets as most of the liquids available came from exponential growth in 2005 to 2007 time. In contrast to this the chances of Indian Banking sectors to sustain in respectable stage is high due to an outstanding control of RBI on it.
The way the market would see itself is not profitability but the market capture in terms of long term client commitments thus if the economy bounces back the face value of the business automatically would be inflated. Though the Chinese firms have a little inflexibility as most of the business firms are still strictly controlled by Governments, it has a huge potential to harness the possibilities.