Though I have not got many chance to travel many places but fortunately I have been interacting with many people across the globe. The outcome of the sustainable chance was huge; surprisingly I was able to communicate with some of the people who were not that brilliant in English.
This is not all about how convincing your English is, in fact I have seen, you can amaze non native English speaker with the broken English you deliver: because it sounds fast!! But unfortunately this kind of delivery may achieve certain respect from the other side but surely it would create a great crater in the person to person relationship.
We have to understand that the communication is fair when we give our 100% effort in it, with all our hand, face, mind and body. I was reading an article on Customer interaction which says 'Before talking to any Customer first give a smile and then speak'. Sounds ridiculous? How can someone see me or how does it matter, but indeed it makes a difference it makes your welcome sound profound and warm.
I could very easily understand all the non technical terms of most of the people I have spoken to, except some of them. Definitely not all the discredit goes to me, as the communication channel is a pipe and you are just holding one side of it. I had also faced great deal of difficulty understanding my native language speaker. Those all barriers are caused because of our shallow commitment while talking or talking with merely our vocal cord.
I was in Germany when I met an Old Octogenarian and that taught me a lot, a lot about how difficult could be made easy. He tried to introduce himself and greeted and I started in English. Later when I said NAMASTE he could recognize the greetings. We spoke for long indeed for a long time near a mall. He spoke Indira Gandhi and also about how great Mahatma Gandhi was. I cannot tell you whether I was communicating in English or Hindi or any other language but for sure when we grown interest on the topic we started understanding each other it was not all about sound but the deep eyes and the body movement which made a huge difference. What a lovely memoir....
The communication is perfect only when we contribute towards it. We can easily communicate with our family members and friends because we understand their want and behaviour. Same ploy applies in all instances. There was a gentle man who was on call and said, 'My English Little, I ask my friend, He is Big' ... I said 'You speak better and indeed I am not a native speaker' ... we continued without any of his friends help.
One of the best Article I have come across on COmmunication ... keep writing :)
Gud Goin:)
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