Some of my colleagues have asked me how synergy and harmony could be implemented in corporate environment where because of micro management you got to face situations where you have to play a completely conflicting role.
I took some time to understand the question.
These are the frequently faced situations,
1) You are lagging behind your colleagues what to do?
2) Manager has received negative feedback regarding your attitude from one on your colleague whom you have thought to on your stride.
3) Be a team player also make sure you are on top.
4) There are successful colleagues who does not work too hard but apply political nerve.
I did not want to dig too much to discuss the points as those points are themselves a separate topic to discuss on.
I just explained them…
A graduate fresh from the College can become a CEO and a employee with 15 years of experience may still live with his hope to be a Manager. We are known for the metal we are made of with. The metal defines our rules and ethics. Definitely if our moral dies then we too die as an individual.
Having said this I would slightly try to override my thoughts with a different perspective which may sound radical but basically nothing but a little flexibility. We as a corporate employee try to contribute towards our organizations goal and also intern we get satisfaction by either self appreciation or external recognition. When we play different role we are not abruptly changing ourselves but we are making sure that we are playing our role as the time demands.
A CEO may tell his employees that our culture does not lets us fire any employee but in the same time he may initiate a cost reduction process where 4K jobs would be shredded gradually. So what should we think about him? A guy with no transparency in his decisions. Now what we need to understand is the role he is playing at that point of time. We are not here to discuss whether the action was correct or not! But we should understand his situation and obligations. The same points apply to any individual or policies. I may be a manager in the same time I am a colleague and a subordinate of some one. I need to act as the system changes keeping in mind that my organization is benefited and also I get what I deserve. No hard feeling, Nothing too emotional about it
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