Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today's Word

DILATE: - To make wider or larger, Cause to expand.
EERILY : - Suggestive of supernatural, mysterois, strange or frightening.
PLAUSIBLE :- likely, acceptable, Credible, apparently valid.
PRESCIENT / PRESCIENCE: - Foresight, knowledge of actions even before they occur.
FLOTILLA: - A Small fleet, A fleet of small craft (may be navy etc)
GAMUT :- A complete range or extent.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today's Words

debonair : Urban
squatting : To put oneself into couching position.
apocalyptic : Of prophatic nature
gargantuan : Huge , massive
precarious : Dangerously lacking in security or stability, Based on Chances or unknown conditions.
coyotes : (Slang) those who help transferring the illegal immegrants
Hispanics : Related to latin america