Monday, May 19, 2008

FREE SOFTWARE (encryption Tool)

Guys I will soon upload a very basic encryption tool that encrypts simple files.Keep watching there are couple of new softwares waiting --------------------------------------------------------------------Please visit the links to download:1) can find it in http://> EncryptionAbsolutely free stuff
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posted by j O y D i P at 11:26 PM Permalink

At 1:55 AM, Anonymous
With reference to the quote regarding India and China's GDP growth rate, I would like to add that, China is ahead with over 10 per cent gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates over the last two decades. Although, China's per capita GDP is now double that of India, both nations had similar numbers as late as 1991.Both the countries brag science and technology, and exports as a basis for their growth. Yet, their strategic paths for economic development are remarkably different. China's strategy is methodical and deliberate, while that of India's is chaotic and opportunistic. Guided by the firm hand of the government, China has evolved a manufacturing-based development pattern that is more robust and balanced than that of India, which has set great store by an Information Technology-based `knowledge economy' without vital linkages with other sectors. China has transited from an agricultural to an industrial economy. China is building vital linkages among its agricultural, industrial and service sectors, and systematically encouraging domestic consumption in parallel with a sharp focus on exports. Whereas, India is attempting to leapfrog from a predominantly agricultural economy to a knowledge-based service economy. Ironically India's 6 per cent GDP growth over the last decade is basically due to the strong growth of India's software and Information Technology-enabled services sector. This sector employs mainly the educated, urban youth, leaving a large fraction of India's population further behind. If a country is to pursue a politically and economically stable development strategy in a largely rural, unskilled agricultural economy it must focus on linkages with other economic sectors since they create a large numbers of jobs for the entire spectrum of workforce.

At 3:23 AM, Anonymous
oops great we are waiting :)jack

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous
Great!! Waiting for ur encryption tool

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous
thats good... waiting to use the anonymous tool...

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous
thats nice of u :)

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous
Good Job!!
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